Should You Be Optimizing for Voice Search? My Answer is Yes!

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It is no secret that the use of smartphones and other portable devices has changed significantly for the online search. This change offers an alternative search method: use your voice instead of typing any search query. We use the supported voice search with A.I. Technology like the popular smart “assistant”, Alexa and Siri.
R.I is not only available on smartphones, but also virtual home assistance devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home. These tools provide instant information for everything from the closest open pizzeria to the blue sky. As this convenience becomes the preferred search method, you should optimise your SEO for voice search technology.

Web design Bradford, SEO Bradford voice search

Move devices

Studies show that more and more people use their smartphones to search and spend more time on mobile websites. From 2016 to 2017, mobile phone websites increased from 57% to 63% and bounce rates from 52% to 47%. These figures show trends towards greater use of the device and greater participation.
In Canada, 70% of the population are mobile phone users, compared with 77% in the United States. That is a large number of people who have been with A.I. Search optimisation in the United Kingdom. If you can optimise your website to make it mobile, by improving the speed of the website, using optimised AMP pages and structured data, you achieve better results.

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Count the most important classifications

In Google Voice Search, the answer comes from a single source: the best-ranked page. In fact, in response to a request, Google reads selected fragments in “zero position”. This coveted place is above the top and lists several sentences of the content.
Rich snippets dominate voice search and provide more information for quick and valuable answers because there are no other classifications, A.I. The search gives only one verbal answer. This means that your SEO strategy must include optimising your snippets.

Change in queries

As he writes, people tend to choose the short and sweet version. When speaking a question, however, the whole question is asked. That said, the search for the nearest hotel goes from “Bradford hotels” to “Siri, where are the best hotels in Bradford?”
Query patterns change from random words to complete and grammatically correct sentences. With this search method, content creators can stick to traditional language and improve the flow of their blogs. This also means that long-term keywords that use conversational language will be the future of SEO. The content may include frequently asked questions on the client’s journey to use voice search.

Geo implications
The integration of voice queries into Google Maps can provide more opportunities for local businesses. The response to queries takes into account the location of the user, which makes it even more critical to ensure that companies integrate a location in their content. As you get the most out of Google My Business entries, the popularity of voice searches increases. As a result, it is essential to obtain your business listing through Google My Business.

Artificial intelligence and voice search are here and here to stay. For this reason, companies that want to capture modern buyers and search engines must prioritise the adaptation of SEO efforts to include voice search.